


Current koth world


Current koth name


Current koth min X


Current koth min Y


Current koth min Z


Current koth max X


Current koth max Y


Current koth max Z


Current koth center X


Current koth center Y


Current koth center Z


Current koth spawn seconds


Current koth spawn seconds formatted


Current koth capture seconds


Current koth capture seconds formatted


Current koth max capture seconds


Current koth max capture seconds formatted


Score of player


Player name at position


Points at position


Team name at position


Team id at position


Team leader name at position


Current koth capture player name


Current koth capture player team name


Current koth capture player team id


Current koth capture player team leader name

%zkoth_active_<koth name>%

Lets you know if a koth is active

%zkoth_cooldown_<koth name>%

Lets you know if a koth is in cooldown

%zkoth_start_<koth name>%

Lets you know if a koth is start


Displays a progressbar for koth capture


Points at position as a progress bar


Score of player as a progress bar

Last updated